Recursos léxico-gramaticais no ensino da língua portuguesa

Lexical-grammatical resources in the teaching of the Portuguese language




Léxico. Gramática. Ensino de língua.


For the teaching of the lexicon to be more fruitful, it is recommended that the updated lexical unit in the texts be considered in a multidimensional perspective that involves not only its semantic content but the grammatical and the discursive (RICHARDS, 1976; NATION, 1990, 2005; SCHIMITT, 2010). Based on the plans of grammar and lexical meaning, corresponding to the level of the system, the norm, and the discourse, this article presents a reflection on how to treat the lexicon in its articulation with grammar in Portuguese language classes, with emphasis on the exploration of the linguistic resources selected for each enunciation, followed by an activity proposal for teaching Portuguese, whose objective is to emphasize the importance of epilinguistic practices for the development of lexical-grammatical knowledge.


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How to Cite

Gil, B. D. (2022). Recursos léxico-gramaticais no ensino da língua portuguesa: Lexical-grammatical resources in the teaching of the Portuguese language. Revista Do GEL, 19(1), 100–118.