Verbal periphrases, Aspect, Spoken languageAbstract
The aim of this paper is to describe the aspectual periphrases found in a spoken language corpus formed by undergraduate lectures and pre-college courses and by oral interviews with researchers, analyzing not only the formal configurations of aspectual periphrases, but also the uses of such periphrases. During the development of the research, it was found that there are differences from author to author with regard to the proposals for classifying aspectual options. In this work, we chose to use the aspectual options proposed by Longo and Campos (2002) and by Neves (2000; 2018) due to the fact that they facilitate the work of data tabulation, due to the transparency of the labels used to designate the aspectual options and, mainly because they encompass the occurrences of aspectual periphrases found in the corpus. The data tabulation revealed that, both in lectures and in interviews, the most frequent aspectual periphrases are those with a cursive aspect, with a number of occurrences above the other aspectual options.
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