Efeitos da prosódia e da disfluência sobre a qualidade de voz em diferentes estilos de elocução no português brasileiro





Qualidade de voz. Fonoestilo. Fonética acústica. Disfluência. Prosódia.


The paper presents two studies that investigate possible interactions between voice quality, disfluency, speaking styles and prosody. The first study investigates the effects of segmental and prosodic factors on the occurrence of laryngealization, disfluency in different prosodic conditions. The second study investigates non-modal phonation occurrences in different prosodic contexts in three speaking styles: semispontaneous interview, sentence reading and word reading. The most robust finding in both studies is that nonmodal phonation occurrences are highly associated with strong prosodic positions, such as stress group boundaries and lexically stressed syllables. Results of the first experiment suggest that creaky phonation occur more in vowels than consonants and that female speakers are more prone to present instances of creaky voice. The second experiment's results show that in read speech occurrences of nonmodal phonation are more common in final (prepausal) position and in the semispontaneous style there are more occurrences in initial and medial positions. Overall, results from both studies show that changes in voice quality is sensitive to prosodic structure, fluency, and speaking styles.


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Author Biography

Pablo Arantes, Universidade Federal de São Carlos (UFSCAR), São Carlos, São Paulo, Brasil

Departamento de Letras


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How to Cite

Arantes, P., & Lima, A. M. (2024). Efeitos da prosódia e da disfluência sobre a qualidade de voz em diferentes estilos de elocução no português brasileiro. Revista Do GEL, 20(2), 62–98. https://doi.org/10.21165/gel.v20i2.3516