‘Deu tudo certo’: A diachronic analysis of the micoconstructions from the subesqueme [dar AA] in Brazilian Portuguese.





[dar certo], Usage Based Linguistics, Diachronic Analyses, Constructions, Adverbial Adjectives, Light Verbs.


The main objective of this work is to carry out a diachronic analysis of the microconstructions from the subsqueme [dar AA], namely: [dar certo], [dar errado], [dar ruim] e [dar bom] that are constructionalized in current Brazilian Portuguese. We are based on the theoretical and methodological contribution of Usage-Based  Linguistics and on the understanding that language is formed by a network of constructions, these being pairings of form/meaning. With our main objective in mind, we seek to identify, through the analysis of data in historical corpus, contexts that may have licensed the emergence of these constructions. Furthermore, we aim to infer the possible links between these microconstructions and the networks of adverbial adjectives and light verbs. During the development of this research, we analyzed data from the 13th to the 21st century. We believe this work is of great contribution to the understanding of this very productive microconstruction in current Brazilian Portuguese, in addition to offering contributions to the mapping of the network of adverbial adjectives and the network of light verbs.


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How to Cite

Cumán, R. R. ., & Marques, P. M. . (2023). ‘Deu tudo certo’: A diachronic analysis of the micoconstructions from the subesqueme [dar AA] in Brazilian Portuguese. Revista Do GEL, 19(3), 161–175. https://doi.org/10.21165/gel.v19i3.3442



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