The variable use of the definite article in front of a possessive pronoun in the urban variety of Santomean Portuguese
Artigo Definido. Pronomes Possessivos, Variação, Português de São ToméAbstract
This paper investigates variation in the use of the definite article in front of possessive pronouns in the urban variety of Santomean Portuguese (STP). We use data from 17 interviews conducted in 2009 in the capital of São Tomé and Príncipe. The surveys are part of the Variedades do Português (VAPOR) corpus, from Center of Linguistics of the University of Lisbon. Our study is based on the theoretical-methodological contribution of the Theory of Variation and Change (WEINREICH; LABOV; HERZOG, 2006 [1968]), in order to identify the linguistic and social factors that contribute to the absence of the definite article in the analyzed data. The results reveal that, in the urban variety of STP, the presence of the article before possessive pronouns is a productive phenomenon (54%), and the absence in this context is constrained by the nature of the phrase in which the possessive pronoun occurs, the syntactic function of the phrase in which the possessive pronoun appears, the type of possession, and the informant's education. Multivariable analysis indicated that the data are not sensitive to the influence of the frequency of use of Forro, which contradicts the hypothesis initially formulated.
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