Language learning and social integration: a questionable link




aprendizagem de língua, imigração, socialização, integração.


This article introduces some of the outcomes of our Master’s research, conducted in 2017 at the University Paris 8 (France). The main goal of this research was to establish to what extent the learning of the French language by immigrants would help their socialization in the country of immigration. The article starts with a theoretical reflection on the definitions of “integration” and “socialization”, from the contributions of sociology, and then presents the methodology, inspired by the comprehensive interviews as formulated by Kaufmann (2011). From the interviews conducted with a group of 8 refugee students, we conclude that French classes remain insufficient to help socialization in the country. This is mainly due to the fact that the language learned in the classroom differs strongly from the language spoken in other social contexts, as it is a specific field (BOURDIEU, 2003). In addition, being identified as a foreigner may constitute a “stigma” (GOFFMAN, 1988) that acts as a factor inhibiting so-called social integration.


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Author Biography

Nina Rioult, Universidade Federal Fluminense (UFF), Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil

Doutoranda em estudos da linguagem na Universidade Federal Flumuniense.

Mestre em Ciências da Linguagem na Université Paris 8 (França)


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How to Cite

Rioult, N. (2021). Language learning and social integration: a questionable link. Estudos Linguísticos (São Paulo. 1978), 50(3), 1190–1206.


