2023 - Call for papers for a Thematic Issue


Dear colleagues,

The Revista do GEL (https://revistas.gel.org.br/rg) launches today a call for papers for a special volume with the title “Language Studies Peri- and Post-COVID-19 Pandemic: contributions and challenges”, to be published in December 2023. The volume will be coedited by Profas. Dras. Suzi Marques Spatti Cavalari (UNESP – São José do Rio Preto), Lúcia Regiane Lopes-Damasio (UNESP – Assis) e Paola Leone (Università del Salento – Italy).

This thematic issue aims at publishing original research that seeks to understand and address linguistic issues related to the new forms of living and working which emerged during and after the COVID-19 pandemic. From diverse perspectives within the Language Studies area, the manuscripts are expected to focus on the reconfiguration of relationships amongst individuals acting in different social practices, particularly those within the academic and/or educational settings, as well as the epistemic and empirical consequences of discourses and contexts that have developed due to the pandemic scenario. Based on varied theoretical and methodological approaches, manuscripts may include but are not limited to topics that concern the following

1. What are the dialogues and the challenges that are established between linguistic-sociocultural dimensions and scientific communication practices in pandemic and post-pandemic contexts?

2. How can Language Studies contribute to the comprehension of the educational scenario that has emerged during and after the pandemic?

3. How can Language Studies contribute to the debate on (i) inclusive education and accessibility, (ii) gender and race ineguality, and (iii) consequences of remote education in relation to individuals ́ needs during and after the pandemic?

4. What are the linguistic competencies and knowledge that have (not) been developed within different contexts, including the educational one, during the pandemic?

5. What processes of lexical innovation have emerged (and how have they emerged) due to the pandemic?

This list of questions is not exhaustive, nor is it intended to limit the scope of the submissions. On the contrary, the purpose of this thematic issue is to encourage the debate within the various areas of Linguistic Science, based on various approaches, and resulting from individual and/or collective initiatives.

Coeditors: Suzi Marques Spatti Cavalari (UNESP – São José do Rio Preto), Lúcia Regiane Lopes-Damasio (UNESP – Assis), Paola Leone (Università del Salento – Italy).

To be published in: December, 2023

Deadline for submission: July 17, 2023 (new deadline August, 8th)

More informations: https://revistas.gel.org.br/rg/announcement
Authors guidelines: https://revistas.gel.org.br/rg/about/submissions#authorGuidelines

We expect your submission.