A brief discussion on the biological factors in the acquisition of language


  • Ronivaldo Braz da Silva


Language Acquisition. SLA. Critical Period Hypothesis. Brain Damage.


The understanding of how language is acquired and the role the brain plays in the language acquisition process are crucial because the development of language is one of the most important factcrs in human development. The analysis of language development is intrinsically connected with one's awareness of how human beings or human brains perceive, learn, control, and coordinate elaborate behaviour. The study of language development, therefore, involves research on motor, perceptual, and cognitive development. This paper reviews the three major theories of language

acquisition, namely, behaviouristic, psycholinguistic, and interactionistic and examines the biological component of language acquisition and the brain's role in the language development process.


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How to Cite

Silva, R. B. da. (2007). A brief discussion on the biological factors in the acquisition of language. Revista Do GEL, 4(2), 153–169. Retrieved from https://revistadogel.emnuvens.com.br/rg/article/view/366