As categorias do verbo latino segundo o jurista Sexto Pompônio (século II d.C.)




Latin linguistics, functionalism, aspect, modality, time, Sextus Pomponius


This article investigates a set of texts by the second-century Latin jurist Sextus Pomponius. In these extracts from his massive production, the solution of legal cases involves very consistent considerations on the Latin language, especially the morphosyntactic and semantic categories of the Latin verb. More specifically, this text is concerned with understanding how Pomponius conceives the categories of aspect, modality and time. This is the only structured set of observations by an ancient Latin author on the technical language of law. In two brief final sections, the expression of condition and the periphrastic passives are also examined.


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How to Cite

Aubert, E. H. (2023). As categorias do verbo latino segundo o jurista Sexto Pompônio (século II d.C.). Revista Do GEL, 20(1), 54–80.