Discursive alchemy in inquisitorial processes: the crossing of the voices of the notary and the visitor in confessions





Critical Discourse Analysis, crossing of voices, inquisition, First Book of Reconciliations and Confessions (1591-1592), reported speech.


In colonial Brazil, during the visitation of the Inquisition, the confessions of possible “defendants” were recorded by the visitation commission of the Tribunal do Santo Oficio in the First Book of Reconciliations and Confessions [Primeiro Livro das Reconciliações e Confissões] (1591-1592), hereinafter LRC, and had three discursive voices: visitor Heitor Furtado de Mendonça, notary Manoel Francisco, and deponents. The objective of this work is to present an analysis of the voices of the notary and the visitor in the reported speech of the LRC confessions to understand how they constituted and validated an ideology that was silenced to incriminate. To carry out the analyzes, the three-dimensional model proposed by the Fairclough Critical Discourse Analysis theory (2001) was used as methodology. To understand the legal, linguistic and historical context, Soares (2018), Mota (2016), and Assis (2019) are used, respectively.


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How to Cite

Franco, G. (2021). Discursive alchemy in inquisitorial processes: the crossing of the voices of the notary and the visitor in confessions. Estudos Linguísticos (São Paulo. 1978), 50(1), 163–175. https://doi.org/10.21165/el.v50i1.3064


