An analysis of the short film Nina Bonita: the meaning effects generated by the multiple languages of the animation genre
Multiliteracies, the animated short film genre, The Grammar of Visual Design, 12 Animation Principles.Abstract
This paper aims to present a possibility of analysis for the animated short film Nina Bonita (2014), considering the verbal, visual, and sound languages that make up this multimodal text. To do that, we have assumed as a methodological procedure some bibliographical and web research, which supports the analysis of the short film according to the principles of The Grammar of Visual Design (KRESS; VAN LEEUWEN, 2006), Disney’s 12 principles of animation (THOMAS; JOHNSTON, 1995), and conceptions about voices, songs, and sound effects (FURNISS, 2014). Thus, we come to conclusions that show how this approach may not only contribute to the teaching of Portuguese but also deal with current subjects, such as the struggle against racism and the valorization of black identity.Downloads
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