Mirative adverbial clauses in Brazilian Portuguese





subordination, purpose clauses, adjunction, mirative clauses.


The main goal of this paper is to propose an initial description, based on generative studies, of a type of infinitive clause in Brazilian Portuguese introduced by the connective para ‘for’ (Ana foi até o banco só para descobrir que esqueceu o cartão / Ana went to the bank only to find that she forgot her card), which we call mirative clause (cf. JĘDRZEJOWSKI, 2018). These clauses are similar to infinitive purpose clauses in their form, but they do not express a purpose, denoting mainly an unexpected result. We show that mirative clauses are also distinguished from purpose clauses regarding the control of the subject of the infinitive and the sensitivity to certain syntactic operations, such as displacement of the clause. We further show that the order between mirative and purpose clauses, when they co-occur in a sentence, must be purpose-mirative, which indicates that mirative clauses are adjoined to a higher position in the structure.


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How to Cite

Nunes, J. F. C., & Rodrigues, P. de A. (2021). Mirative adverbial clauses in Brazilian Portuguese. Estudos Linguísticos (São Paulo. 1978), 50(1), 281–297. https://doi.org/10.21165/el.v50i1.2918


