Present of the indicative usage: Theoretical reflections and a didactic proposal for a contemporary language study




present of the indicative, linguistic analysis, didactic proposal.


This article consists of a theoretical reflection on the present of the indicative usage. This article considers the desirable practices for grammar teaching in Basic Education as defined by official teaching guidelines. The author analyses some approaches on this verbal tense in didactic materials and then presents a didactic proposal for the study of the present of the indicative in Basic Education. The didactic proposal presented intends to contribute to the study of the verb, as it brings this study closer to everyday language practices. The results suggest that the decontextualization and simple description of the norm still prevail on many pedagogic materials and practices, despite official guidelines’ and academic studies’ demonstration of the need for linguistic learning closer to reality.


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How to Cite

Almeida, R. D. de. (2021). Present of the indicative usage: Theoretical reflections and a didactic proposal for a contemporary language study. Estudos Linguísticos (São Paulo. 1978), 50(1), 10–23.


