The tense choices and the creation of meanings in Água Viva, by Clarice Lispector and in two of its English translations




translation, stylistic, verb tenses, meanings and effects


This article is inserted into an observed gap in the academic literature, when it tries to relate translation and stylistics, by the bias of the tense choices made by Clarice Lispector in Água Viva, and by two of her English language translators, which result in a great diversity of meanings. To that end, Celce-Murcia and Larsen-Freeman (1999), Yule (1998), Bechara (2004) and Castilho and Elias (2012) will be used to understand the tense and verbal aspects in English and Portuguese languages, in a discursive approach. Within literary discourse, Benveniste (1989, 1995), Maingueneau (2001) and Fiorin (2005) will ground the relations between verb tenses and the formation of meanings. Finally, Lambert and Van Gorp (1985) and Aubert (1998) will provide references for data selection and interpretation processes. It is expected, therefore, to demonstrate possible intersections between stylistic studies, starting with aspects and tenses, and studies in the area of translation.


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Author Biography

Sandra Regina Fonseca Moreira, Universidade Cruzeiro do Sul

Professora Mestre, parte do corpo docente da Universidade Cruzeiro do Sul, atuando nas disciplinas de Língua Inglesa desde 2007.


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How to Cite

Moreira, S. R. F. (2018). The tense choices and the creation of meanings in Água Viva, by Clarice Lispector and in two of its English translations. Estudos Linguísticos (São Paulo. 1978), 47(2), 586–601.


