Analysis of Brands of two federal governments after-impeachment
Marcas de Governo, Metáfora, Metonímia, Gramática do Design Visual.Abstract
This paper is based on the Master's research by one of the authors regarding the analysis of Government brands – imagery constructions produced by SECOM (Special Secretariat for Social Communication) to visually identify the term of a President of the Republic. The analysis data consist of two Government Brands, Itamar Franco’s administration and Michel Temer’s administration, chosen because they are both from post-impeachment terms. The objective of this paper is to analyze, according to the Grammar of Visual Design (KRESS; van LEEUWEN, 2006) and the theory of Metaphor and Conceptual Metonymy (LAKOFF; JOHNSON, 2002; SAPARAS; IKEDA, 2017; FENG, 2017), the relationship of Brands with the governmental Brands that preceded them, as well as the metaphors and metonymies that compose them. In this way, it was possible to see that, although, under different forms, both Brands were built in a way to avoid any association with the constructions of previous, impeached governments. The metonymy of the PART FOR THE WHOLE type was also observed in both the Franco and Temer Brands, referring, in both cases, to the Brazilian Flag.
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