2021 - Call for papers for a special volume


Dear colleagues,

The Revista do GEL launches a call for papers for a special volume with the title “Contact Linguistics and the transatlantic area”, to be published in December 2021. The volume will be coedited by Márcia S. D. de Oliveira (USP / CNPq), Alexander Yao Cobbinah (USP) e Carlos Filipe G. Figueiredo (Universidade de Macau).

This thematic issue aims to publish research output on the interactions between European, African and American indigenous languages on the African and the American continent in the context of the colonial era. The publishers accept unpublished papers focussing on transatlantic language contact, analysed through the lens of various methodological frameworks, such as the historical-comparative method, socio-historical approaches and other linguistic theories.

Suggested topics:

- Creole languages.

- Mixed languages.

- African languages in contact.

- Varieties of Portuguese, Spanish, French, Italian, German, Pomeranian, Dutch, English, Japanese in clear linguistic contact - examples: Talian, Hunsriquean Riograndense, Pomeranian in Espírito Santo, Japanese in the interior of São Paulo.

- Minority languages (such as indigenous languages and “languages” of maroon communities).

- “Linguistic islands”.

- Research on multilingualism and plurilingualism in specific areas.

- Language obsolescence.

- Sign languages in contact.

- L1 and L2 acquisition in specific areas.

Other information about the publication:

  1. Deadline for submission: July 31, 2021, on the website of the Journal in Online Submissions.

  2. Rules for publication: https://revistas.gel.org.br/rg/about/submissions#onlineSubmissions

  3. Languages: Portuguese, English, Spanish and French. In special cases, and at the discretion of the Editorial Committee, they may be presented in languages other than those indicated.

  4. Revista do Gel is indexed to the following organic bases / associations: DOAJ,Diadorim, ErihPlus, ABEC Brasil, REDIB, Cross Ref, LivRe, DOI, Latindex, WorldCat, Jurn, Periódicos CAPES.

  5. Articles approved for publication in this thematic issue will also be evaluated by the Editorial Committee of Revista do Gel in relation to the relevance to the theme. Approved articles can be published in other volumes of the Journal, if it is of interest to the author (s)