An enunciative look at the writing and the diagnosis in the school setting


  • Mariana da Silva Marinho Universidade Federal de Uberlândia (UFU), Uberlândia, Minas Gerais


diagnosis, apprenticeship, writing, teacher-knowledge-student relation


This article aims to present some refl ections from the analysis of the textual production of a 6th grader (junior high), over the teacher-knowledge-student relation, as the teaching and writing apprenticeship by this student, diagnosed by the school itself as being a student of low performance. To that end, we present some theoretical considerations about literacy, a process responsible for both introducing the students to the world of writing and allowing them to become citizens capable of acting socially in different social practices mediated by writing. Moreover, we seek to refl ect what this diagnosis made by the school itself means. The level of student learning and how this diagnosis is understood by a writing teacher about the teaching of writing for a low performance student are measured by assessment tests.  


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How to Cite

Silva Marinho, M. da. (2016). An enunciative look at the writing and the diagnosis in the school setting. Estudos Linguísticos (São Paulo. 1978), 44(2), 625–636. Retrieved from



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