The segmentation of the letter ‘a’ during the acquisition of writing skills


  • Cristiane Carneiro Capristano Universidade Estadual de Maringá (UEM), Maringá, paraná, Brasil
  • Taynara Alcântara Cangussú Universidade Estadual de Maringá (UEM), Maringá, paraná, Brasil


Acquisition of Writing Skills, Orthography, Segmentation


Children who are acquiring writing skills oscillate between conventional and non-conventional spellings, when they need to spell the letter ‘a’, predominantly in two specific contexts: when said letter appears in the beginning of a word or when it works as a definite article in nouns phrases. Assuming that this oscillation suggests uncertainties about how to spell the orthographic word, in this research paper, the goal was to investigate, on two children’s journey, which linguistics aspects would be determining the emergence of the non-conventional segmentations involving the letter ‘a’. We used a corpus consisting of 101 textual productions that were written by these two children throughout four years. The analysis showed that syntactic, semantic, morphological and phonological aspects all contribute to the emergence of non-conventional segmentations involving the letter ‘a’.


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How to Cite

Carneiro Capristano, C., & Alcântara Cangussú, T. (2016). The segmentation of the letter ‘a’ during the acquisition of writing skills. Estudos Linguísticos (São Paulo. 1978), 44(2), 466–479. Retrieved from



Aquisição da Escrita