Some Considerations about Verbal Alternation in the Acquisition of Brazilian Portuguese


  • Carla Pereira Minello IEL/UNICAMP



language acquisition, verbal alternation, anticausatives, unaccusatives, Brazilian Portuguese.


This paper discusses the causative-inchoative alternation in the acquisition of Brazilian Portuguese by examining data that contain childrens’ spontaneous production. The starting point of this article is that it is possible to identify an implicit causer in anti-causatives, which is not possible in unaccusatives. This fact reveals that there are different structures for these constructions. The hypothesis for this study is that children is able to perceive the difference between anticausative and unaccusative structures in the language acquisition process.


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Author Biography

Carla Pereira Minello, IEL/UNICAMP

Mestranda em Linguística, na área de Aquisição da Linguagem: L1 no departamento de Linguística do IEL/Unicamp.


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How to Cite

Minello, C. P. (2016). Some Considerations about Verbal Alternation in the Acquisition of Brazilian Portuguese. Estudos Linguísticos (São Paulo. 1978), 45(2), 386–396.



Aquisição de Linguagem: L1