Linguistic Landscape as a Tool for Linguistic Policies in a Swabian/German Immigration Colony




linguistic landscape, language policies, identity politics.


This study aims to demonstrate the linguistic landscape of a Swabian/German immigration colony in Paraná state and to understand how the local languages are available and represented in public spaces within the colony. In addition, by understanding linguistic landscape as a language policy instrument, it is discussed how this tool works on the construction of the ethnic and linguistic identity of the group. This is an ethnographic qualitative research, according to Blommaert (2010). The collected material is analyzed under the theoretical and methodological perspective from the field of linguistic landscapes (BLOMMAERT, 2006, 2012, 2013; SHOHAMY, 2012), and studies on multilingual contexts (MAHER, 1996, 2010, 2013; ASSIS-PETERSON, 2008).


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Author Biography

Adriana Dalla Vecchia, Universidade Estadual de Maringá

EStudos Linguísticos Linguística Aplicada Ensino e Aprendizagem de Línguas Sociolinguística Crítica Políticas Linguísticas


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How to Cite

Dalla Vecchia, A. (2016). Linguistic Landscape as a Tool for Linguistic Policies in a Swabian/German Immigration Colony. Estudos Linguísticos (São Paulo. 1978), 45(2), 638–650.



Políticas Linguísticas