Issues Surrounding Monstrousness in O natimorto


  • Juliana Ciambra Rahe Bertin UFMS/CPTL



monster, horror, Lourenço Mutarelli.


This article aims to analyze the monster in the novel O natimorto by Lourenço Mutarelli. Monsters are cultural constructions tied up to paradigms that do not belong to any considered logical order. Thus, monstrousness is a device for establishing boundaries between permitted and prohibited practices, between order and chaos, between us and them. In this narrative, the monstrousness of the protagonist is linked to the way he behaves, which is at odds with what is socially acceptable; but, on the other hand, he objects the validity of the parameters used to classify monsters and presents the artificiality of the limits established to label and distinguish humanity from monstrousness.


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Author Biography

Juliana Ciambra Rahe Bertin, UFMS/CPTL

Mestre em Estudos de Linguagens pela UFMS. Doutoranda em Letras pela UFMS/CPTL. Bolsista CAPES


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How to Cite

Bertin, J. C. R. (2016). Issues Surrounding Monstrousness in O natimorto. Estudos Linguísticos (São Paulo. 1978), 45(3), 1194–1204.



Literatura Brasileira