The child and the linguist: ways of inhabiting language?


  • Cláudia Thereza Guimarães de Lemos Universidade Estadual de Campinas (Unicamp), Campinas, São Paulo, Brasil


children’s speech, effect of language, primary repression


This paper’s point of departure is the fact that the heterogeneous and unpredictable nature of children’s speech, as well as its changes in direction to adult speech are not amenable to both description and explanation by linguistic theories. In order to show such difficulty, it is brought into consideration the work developed by Roman Jakobson with the aim of submitting not only children’s speech but also aphasia and poetry to the general laws of language, thus erasing exactly what distinguishes them from ordinary language. In contrast with it, my interpretation of children’s speech and of its change in direction to adult speech is based on psychoanalytical theory and, particularly, on Jacques Lacan’s assertion that the human subject is an effect of language and, therefore, becoming a speaker implies the repression of his/her position as an object of the Other.


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How to Cite

Guimarães de Lemos, C. T. (2015). The child and the linguist: ways of inhabiting language?. Estudos Linguísticos (São Paulo. 1978), 43(2), 954–964. Retrieved from


