Topic-comment structures in an aphasic subject ́s reduced speech


  • Lou-Ann Kleppa Universidade Federal de Santa Maria (UFSM), Santa Maria, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil


agrammatism, reduced speech, fluency, topic-comment


The present study is developed within the field of Neurolinguistics from an enunciative-discoursive perspective and the Adaptation Theory (subscribed by Kolk and colleagues). Here we discuss the word order observed in the reduced speech of NIC, who takes part on the weekly meetings of the aphasic group at UFSM. According to Adaptation Theory, agrammatic speech is the result of an adaptation strategy the subject adopts to bypass his linguistic difficulties. Then a simplified syntax emerges, which we call reduced speech. Syntactic structures in the canonical order (SVO) with a finite verb are thus not part of the reduced speech. In this study, we give relevance to the topic-comment structures identified in NIC ́s speech.


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How to Cite

Kleppa, L.-A. (2015). Topic-comment structures in an aphasic subject ́s reduced speech. Estudos Linguísticos (São Paulo. 1978), 43(2), 926–939. Retrieved from


