Notes on nominal inflection of Portuguese spoken by indigenous people


  • Rosane de Sá Amado Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo, São Paulo, Brasil


Portuguese as a second language, morphology, nominal inflection, number


This study aims to describe and analyze difficulties in Portuguese written texts produced by speakers of indigenous languages. These texts were produced by students participating in a course of Portuguese as a second language (PL2) X Módulo do Ensino Fundamental da Escola Timbira, sponsored by the Department of Education of states of Maranhão and Tocantins in partnership with Funai and the Center for Indigenous Work. Although PL2 speakers with intermediate level of fluency, timbira students presented great difficulties in the preparation of written texts. The corpus of this study consisted of thirty descriptive texts. We analyzed errors concerning number inflection in names in order to detect problems which could be a result of the input received by the contact with native speakers and which could be the result of transfering parameters of the native language. Also the theory of 4-M by Myers-Scotton and Jake (2000), which relates the acquisition order to the four types of morphemes, was followed. The theory presented neglect tools to observe the universal subsidies for morphological acquisition, which could be involved in the errors produced by students. In addition, issues of multi - and interculturalism, as the native oral tradition, were contemplated as the native and foreign languages and cultures should be added without overlapping with each other, even though the majority of them are used in the country where these people live.


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How to Cite

Sá Amado, R. de. (2015). Notes on nominal inflection of Portuguese spoken by indigenous people. Estudos Linguísticos (São Paulo. 1978), 43(2), 720–729. Retrieved from



Aquisição de Linguagem: L2/LE