The book trailer as a semiotic practice: strategies for disseminating Hilda Hilst's work




Hilst, Hilda, Paratexto, Práticas Semióticas, Semiótica Francesa


Starting from the point of view of the levels of the relevance of semiotic analysis (J. Fontanille), in dialogue with the concept of paratext (G. Genette), this paper analyzes how the book pre-sale practice can determine the circulation of a work. To do so, the homonymous book trailer of the work Da poesia by Brazilian author Hilda Hilst [1930-2004], published on Cia. das Letras’s YouTube channel was examined. By considering the book trailer as a strategy and after discussing the specifics of its formal support, the conclusion was that the practice of pre-sale encompasses the YT platform. Such practice gives it a modal function: signing a purchase and reading contract with the addressee, by offering them literary and commercial values. Therefore, the matter of "value" (canonical, popular work, etc.) finds its relevance beyond the literary text in the interfaces established with other sociocultural systems such as the market. They determine the modalities of circulation and the status of the work within the culture.


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How to Cite

Schwartzmann, M. N., & Castro, G. H. R. de . (2021). The book trailer as a semiotic practice: strategies for disseminating Hilda Hilst’s work. Estudos Linguísticos (São Paulo. 1978), 50(3), 1321–1337.


