From phonological to discursive: hypothesis about the production of the so-called telegraphic speech in the context of aphasia




aphasia, agrammatism, telegraphic speech, linguistic levels, neurolinguistics.


Studies on the so-called “telegraphic speech” are in general developed in the context of agrammatism investigations. This production is characterized by the omission and/or substitution of free or inflectional morphemes, with predominance of open-class words, and has, in most linguistic studies, been attributed to a syntactic deficit (GRODZINSKY, 1984). However, there are authors who relate it to a lexical retrieval disorder, predominantly morphological (BRADLEY et al., 1980), while others claim to be phonological access difficulties (KEAN, 1985). Although in fewer numbers, there are works that highlight its predominantly pragmatic nature (KOLK et al., 1985; NESPOLOUS, 1997). Caramazza & Berndt (1985), starting from the diversity of perspectives, characterize agrammatism as a “multicomponential deficit”. This paper aims to present an integrated approach of linguistic levels (JAKOBSON, 1954; COUDRY, 1988[1986]) enlightened by the enunciative-discursive Neurolinguistics, focusing on the production of telegraphic speech.


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Author Biography

Rosana do Carmo Novaes-Pinto, Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP)

Departamento de Linguística

Instituto de Estudos da Linguagem


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How to Cite

Novaes-Pinto, R. do C. (2020). From phonological to discursive: hypothesis about the production of the so-called telegraphic speech in the context of aphasia. Estudos Linguísticos (São Paulo. 1978), 49(1), 135–151.


