An acoustic analysis of the Spanish word “este” in metadiscoursive function




prosody, fillers, Spanish


In the present work, we analyze acoustic characteristics of the Spanish word este in metadiscursive use (filler / discursive marker) and in referential use (adjective / pronoun). Our objective is to verify if, in metadiscursive use, the word este presents regularities regarding the parameters F0 (fundamental frequency) and duration, in the same way as in referential use, and if possible irregularities are predictable. Our hypothesis is that in metadiscursive use we can find different patterns of F0 and duration for the word “este”, each of which corresponding to a distinct semantic-pragmatic nuance. The work falls within the domain of prosodic studies, we use procedures of Experimental Phonetics, and subsidies of Psycholinguistics for the qualitative interpretation of the data.


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How to Cite

Félix da Matta Ccori, T. A. (2019). An acoustic analysis of the Spanish word “este” in metadiscoursive function. Estudos Linguísticos (São Paulo. 1978), 48(1), 200–222.


