Linn da Quebrada: the trans body in the urban experience
intersemiotic discursive practice, discursive ethos, queer, urban spaceAbstract
This article presents the analysis of the song “Mulher” by the artist Linn da Quebrada, which is part of the audiovisual work blasFêmea, from the theoretical-methodological perspective of the Discourse Analysis of the French line. The theme that crosses the production is the question of being a woman from the experience of the transsexual and peripheral body in relation to the urban space, therefore, social, inhabited by this person. In the light of this contemporary emblem, we bring to the debate the relationship between gender, sexuality and urban space, based on Linn da Quebrada’s intersemiotic discursive practice, in order to rethink the forms of gender identity construction, starting from the deconstruction of cisheteronormativities, these given as natural. We will make a presentation on the key theme, gender and urban space. Here we are interested in discussing the social role that architecture plays in our culture, after that, we will briefly reflect on the used concepts and, then, we will expose our analysis.Downloads
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