The negative Courtesy in the discursive interaction with cultured speakers of Porto Velho-RO




spoken language, face preservation, negative courtesy, language procedures, language formulas


The article tries to discuss the phenomenon of courtesy in the spoken text from Porto Velho-RO informants with the objective of analyzing the occurrence of negative courtesy linguistic procedures used to soften acts that threaten “FTA” faces in two informant surveys. FTAs correspond to linguistic and pragmatic formulas, whose functions exercised on the negative side of the interlocutors can minimize, safeguard or protect the faces, favoring cooperation and negotiation in a situation of interaction. The research is based on pragmatics, with respect to speech acts (AUSTIN, 1990), regarding the Principle of Cooperation (GRICE, 1975), Courtesy (BROWN and LEVINSON, 1987) and analysis of linguistic procedures of the negative courtesy (KERBRAT-ORECCHIONI, 2006). Regarding the methodology, the research has an ethnographic basis. It consists of a case study, and it proposes to analyze two cuts of speech surveys selected from the postdoctoral research: “A Cortesia na Língua Culta Falada em Porto Velho”.


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Author Biography

Rosa Maria Aparecida Nechi Verceze, Universidade Federal de Rondônia - UNIR

Professora da Universidade Federal de Rondonia vinculada ao Departamento de Línguas vernáculas. Area de pesquisa análise da conversação e linguística textual.Projeto de pesquisa " O Português Culto Falado em Porto Velho". Professora da Graduação em Letras  de Língua Portuguesa e do Mestrado em Letras de Pragmatica


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How to Cite

Verceze, R. M. A. N. (2019). The negative Courtesy in the discursive interaction with cultured speakers of Porto Velho-RO. Estudos Linguísticos (São Paulo. 1978), 48(3), 1639–1656.


