Economic changes and linguistic changes: the speech in Louveira/SP




linguistic variation, economic changes, dental occlusives, retroflexion


Based on the hypothesis that variants of prestige of large cities tend to spread to smaller urban agglomerations, we observed, in the city of Louveira/SP, different linguistic traits. In recent years, Louveira has gained prominence in the media by being classified as one of the most developed municipalities, in terms of GDP per capita and quality of life, in the state of São Paulo and in the country. This rapid rise, as a result of different fiscal incentives on the part of the city hall, led us to observe how the language behavior in Louveira changed over time. In particular, two linguistic variables will be addressed here: (i) the realization of the dental occlusives [t, d] before the vowel [i]; and (ii) the realization of /r/ in position of syllable coda. The proximity to large urban centers and the transition from an agricultural economy to a culture of production and services influenced the linguistic behavior of the generation that experienced this change in the Louveiran way of life.


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How to Cite

Carreão, V. (2019). Economic changes and linguistic changes: the speech in Louveira/SP. Estudos Linguísticos (São Paulo. 1978), 48(2), 709–727.


