Critical literacy and teaching of Spanish as a foreign language: theoretical and methodological questions in the context of the Federal Institutes (IFs)




critical literacy, critical reader, Spanish teaching


Critical literacy has been pointed out in documents that guide Brazilian middle-level education as a foreign language teaching perspective. The formation of the critical reader has also been a criterion for selecting the works approved by the National Textbook Program (PNLD). In this context, our objectives are to problematize the concept of literacy and critical reader that emerges from the documents and textbooks, as well as the conception of critical reader and critical literacy of the Spanish teachers of the IFs. For this purpose, we applied a questionnaire to obtain data about critical reader conception and critical teacher literacy, in order to analyze if they appropriate the concepts outlined in the documents and textbooks in their teaching practices. The results obtained with the analyses point to the need for greater clarification regarding the concept of critical literacy among teachers.


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How to Cite

Benedini, L. C. A. de O. (2019). Critical literacy and teaching of Spanish as a foreign language: theoretical and methodological questions in the context of the Federal Institutes (IFs). Estudos Linguísticos (São Paulo. 1978), 48(2), 648–668.


