The use of corpora in writing comprehension activities aimed at the entrance examination in Brazilian universities




foreign language teaching and learning, Corpus Linguistics, written comprehension activities in English


The present work aims to apply the theoretical-methodological approach of Corpus Linguistics (LC) in the context of English language learning (McCarthy, 2001; SARDINHA, 2009; VIANA, 2011) through the development of written comprehension activities aimed at the entrance exam. In order to do so, a corpus of authentic journalistic texts was compiled from the CNN® and BBC® websites in order to generate the keywords found in them and, then, to extract the clusters of these words for later development of the written comprehension activities. As a result, we aimed to answer the following questions: 01. How can the use of a corpus created from authentic journalistic texts help in the collection of lexical clusters for the entrance exam? 02. What impact will the use of activities developed through this corpus have in relation to the development of students’ written comprehension? The developed activities were applied to the English classes of the senior year in a regular school in the interior of São Paulo. Through a questionnaire given to the students at the end of the activity, it was possible to observe that the effect of the activities based on corpora was positive, since a great part of the students evaluated the activities of written comprehension as auxiliary in the understanding of the texts proposed in the activities, especially by the vocabulary presented and the approached reading techniques.


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Author Biography

Luana Aparecida Nazzi Laranja, Universidade Estadual Paulista "Júlio de Mesquita Filho" - UNESP

Mestranda em Estudos Linguísticos pela UNESP - bolsista CAPES.


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How to Cite

Laranja, L. A. N. (2019). The use of corpora in writing comprehension activities aimed at the entrance examination in Brazilian universities. Estudos Linguísticos (São Paulo. 1978), 48(2), 936–956.


