Constraints grammar of verb stress in Brazilian Portuguese




verb stress, brazilian portuguese, Optimality Theory


The main objective of this study was to deal with the stress and to propose a new description of Brazilian Portuguese (BP) verbs through the Optimality Theory (OT) constraints model and the Metrical Phonology insights (HAYES, 1995). In order to do so, we had Magalhães (2004, 2010) non-verbs analysis as guiding principle. In this work, we consider that the verbs’ canonical foot is the syllabic trochee, which excludes the relevance of the syllabic quantity for the stress assignment in this lexical category. The constraints of grammar proposed for verb stress in BP show the relevance of alignment constraints to demonstrate the morphology-phonology interface, as they ensure that the location of the stress occurs in the appropriate morphological context to the analyzed verb tense.


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How to Cite

Rezende, F. A. (2019). Constraints grammar of verb stress in Brazilian Portuguese. Estudos Linguísticos (São Paulo. 1978), 48(1), 445–464.


