An ongoing translation of the letters of the Jesuit mission in Japan




Linguistic Historiography, jesuits, letters, 16th century, Japan


This article presents the first results of a research on the letters of the first Jesuits in the 16th century Japan. The theoretical-methodological framework is the Linguistic Historiography with contributions of the Textual Criticism and the Translation Studies: Koerner (1995), Swiggers (2004), Cambraia (2005), Milton (2010). The research material is The Japanese Letters, in Latin: Epistolae iapanicae, edited in 1569 by Rutger Velpius (ca. 1540-1614 / 15) for the University of Leuven, organized with an introduction, prologues and marginal subheadings by Hannardus de Gameren Mosaeus (1530-1569). The work had the patronage of Alberto V, Duke of Bavaria (1528-1579). Up to now, nine prefaces have been mapped, transcribed and translated; from the prefaces, and through the subheadings, it was found some relevant information to the research objectives.


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Author Biography

Alessandro Jocelito Beccari, Universidade Estadual Paulista "Júlio de Mesquita Filho"

Professor Assistente Doutor de Língua Latina no Departamento de Linguística, Curso de Letras, UNESP, FCL-Assis.


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How to Cite

Beccari, A. J. (2019). An ongoing translation of the letters of the Jesuit mission in Japan. Estudos Linguísticos (São Paulo. 1978), 48(1), 23–39.


