Numerals in Mehináku language (Arawak)




Mehináku language, numeral system, indigenous language, Arawakan language family


Our goal, in this paper, is to present a brief description of the linguistic numeral system, i.e., the numerical terms in Mehináku (Arawak) language. In particular, we will show the operating mode of the counting system in that language. By the analysis of the Mehináku language that we have done so far, we notice that this language features 20 numbers, corresponding to the fingers and toes, respectively, being only three autonomous numbers and with completely distinct radicals: pawitsa (one), mipiama (two) and kamayukula (three). All other numbers are derived from these first numbers. We will also show information about the plural and the collective, as well as the neological resources created by the Mehináku natives to refer to cash values.


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Author Biography

Paulo Henrique Pereira Silva de Felipe, UNICAMP

Doutorando em Linguística - IEL- UNICAMP


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How to Cite

de Felipe, P. H. P. S. (2019). Numerals in Mehináku language (Arawak). Estudos Linguísticos (São Paulo. 1978), 48(2), 786–799.


