Semantic aspects of the cognitive verbs deduzir and calcular in Portuguese
cognitive verbs, grammaticalization, parenthetizationAbstract
This paper analyzes the cognitive verbs deduzir and calcular, in order to identify those that stand out in their acting as parentheses among the meanings that compose them. Theoretical aspects are related to Grammaticalization (HEINE, CLAUDI E HUNNEMEYER, 1991; HOPPER, TRAUGOTT, 1993; HIMMELMANN, 2004), and in specific works on the parenthetization of verbs (GONÇALVES, 2003; CASSEB-GALVÃO, 2000; FORTILLI, 2015), associated to its behavior that is similar to adverbs. Occurrences between the 19th and 21st centuries, from the Corpus do Português and were used. By means of studies on the semantics of these verbs, their various meanings are presented, outlining those that hold them more deeply rooted in the expression of mechanisms of cognition, expressing specific mental processes, and those that support their performance as epistemic modalities.Downloads
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