The development of the negation: proposal of functional classification of the negative constructions in development




negation, language acquisition, French, Portuguese


This paper aims to study the development of negation based on longitudinal data of two children, a Brazilian one and a French one. In the present study, we proposed, based on the work of Beaupoil-Hourdel (2013), a system of socio-pragmatic classification of negations. The following categories are considered: rejection / refusal, unrealized expectations, absence / disappearance, prohibition / order, opposition / correction, epistemic negation and functional negation. This work highlights similarities in the two cases, such as the observation that the rejection / refusal function was the first to be produced by both children, while the absence / disappearance is unexpectedly later. In addition, we observe the progressive complexation of the negations produced by the two children through the inclusion of personal pronouns in their utterances, as well as through the introduction of variations in the used negative particles.


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How to Cite

Vasconcelos, A. (2019). The development of the negation: proposal of functional classification of the negative constructions in development. Estudos Linguísticos (São Paulo. 1978), 48(2), 1116–1132.


