The inflected infinitive of the São Paulo Portuguese of the eighteenth, nineteenth and twentieth centuries: a syntactic-diachronic study




inflected infinitive, diachronic syntax, null subject


This study presents an analysis of the inflected infinitive of the 18th, 19th and 20th centuries from a diachronic perspective. Throughout the study of the inflected infinitives (MAURER JR., 1968; RAPOSO, 1987; PIRES, 2006; SALLES, 2006; MARINS, 2009; MODESTO, 2011) and studies of diachronic syntax, we have analyzed occurrences of the phenomena highlighted in texts of the São Paulo Portuguese of the centuries mentioned, taking as a basis for the analysis the parameter of the null subject (DUARTE, 1995). The weakening of the verbal inflection in Brazilian Portuguese is increasing (GALVES, 1993); however, the inflected contravers this loss of inflection, being used even in writing in contexts in which it is not predicted to occur (CANEVER, 2012). In the texts of São Paulo, however, we observe the contexts of the presence of infinitives and growth and, in the last century, a more restricted presence. By means of the Null Subject Parameter, we analyzed sections of letters in order to understand the weakening process of the inflection in Brazilian Portuguese and the growth of the realization of the subject.


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Author Biography

Sarah Leite Vargas, Universidade Federal de São Paulo

Mestranda do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Letras, linha de pesquisa em Linguagem e Cognição, da Universidade Federal de São Paulo.


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How to Cite

Vargas, S. L. (2018). The inflected infinitive of the São Paulo Portuguese of the eighteenth, nineteenth and twentieth centuries: a syntactic-diachronic study. Estudos Linguísticos (São Paulo. 1978), 47(1), 56–69.



Gramática Gerativa