"The rouge turned blush". Is it true, Veríssimo? What data from Linguistic Atlas of Brazil/Brazilian Midwest Region say to us





linguistic norm, Brazilian Midwest Region, rouge, ALiB Project


Based on the theory of Sapir-Whorf Linguistic Relativity, we understand the language as a social object, the mean by which men, in addition to transmit beliefs, habits and knowledge, also see their reality and even transform it. In this sense, this study discusses the linguistic reality traces of the Brazilian Midwest Region from the names to rouge/blush cast by Linguistic Atlas Project of Brazil informants interviewed in 21 localities of the countryside and also in the three state capitals of the region, based on the theoretical framework of Lexicology, Dialectology and Geolinguistics. As objectives of the work, we seek to comprehend how the linguistic reality can reveal features such as social relationships, socio-historical and economic aspects of the community in question, and to confirm the importance of lexical studies for the acceptance of linguistic realities in a given time and space, here represented by the Midwest in the XXI century threshold.


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Author Biography

Daniela de Souza Silva Costa, Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso do Sul (UFMS), Aquidauana, Mato Grosso do Sul

Professora Assistente da Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso do Sul, Campus de Aquidauana CPAQ, nas áreas de Língua Portuguesa e Linguística. Doutoranda em Estudos de Linguagens pela Universidade Estadual de Londrina (PR), mestre pelo Programa de Pós-Graduação Mestrado em Estudos de Linguagens pela Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso do Sul, membro da equipe do Projeto Atlas Linguístico do Brasil - Regional Mato Grosso do Sul, do Projeto Atlas Toponímico do Estado de Mato Grosso do Sul e do Tesouro do léxico patrimonial galego e português - Brasil, pesquisadora nas áreas de Sociolinguística, Dialetologia e Geolinguística.


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How to Cite

Costa, D. de S. S. (2017). "The rouge turned blush". Is it true, Veríssimo? What data from Linguistic Atlas of Brazil/Brazilian Midwest Region say to us. Estudos Linguísticos (São Paulo. 1978), 46(1), 390–404. https://doi.org/10.21165/el.v46i1.1756



Sociolinguística e Dialetologia