The evidential conditional value in journalistic domain




evidentiality, functionalism, conditional


This paper proposes the study of a type of evidential marker not yet described in Brazilian Portuguese (BP), the conditional tense, which indicates how the speaker had access to the information conveyed in the statement – what is the source of the information. Based on the functionalist theory, it is intended to make a detailed description of the “conditional evidential value”  in real contexts of use in BP. Based on occurrences provided by a corpus formed by genres of the journalistic domain, we aim to describe the functioning of this use, looking to set its characteristics. With this characterization, it will be possible to verify if the conditional morpheme can be considered as a way of grammatically marking evidentiality in BP, a process that happens in other languages. This description will enable, besides, the verification of the discursive function of this use in the journalistic genres that compose the corpus. 


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Author Biography

Fabiana Pirotta Camargo Lourenço, Universidade Federal de São Carlos (UFSCar), São Carlos, São Paulo

Mestre na área de descrição e análise de línguas, formada pelo Programa de Pós Graduação em Linguística da UFSCar.


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How to Cite

Lourenço, F. P. C. (2017). The evidential conditional value in journalistic domain. Estudos Linguísticos (São Paulo. 1978), 46(2), 655–669.


