Scientific-poetical bivocalism in a selection of poems, by Arnaldo Antunes




heteroglossia, Arnaldo Antunes, Bakhtin, Voloshnov, Guilbert


Arnaldo Antunes is known for combining lexical creations with vocal and graphic resources exploring through a kind of verbi-voco-visual language in James Joyce’s terms. The concrete poetry, the discursive genre selected by the author, exceed the limits of the creative forces drawn by Bakhtin as the centripetal force found in the poem and the centrifugal force observed in discursive fields, and the heteroglossia found in the novel, which allows problematizing the poet’s creative language that accesses the scientific field by a discursively responsive art. This article has as objectives studying the expressiveness in a selection of poems, by mapping the semantic and syntagmatic neologisms resulted from a new motivation and the use in new contexts, allied with the notion of ideological signs, as well as scrutinizing the discourses related to the ideological fields, by taking into account the verbi-voco-visual language.


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Author Biography

Sandra Mina Takakura, Universidade do Estado do Pará (UEPA), Belém, Pará

Graduação em Português e Inglês  pela UFPA, mestrado em língua inglesa e literatura correspondente pela UFSC, doutoranda  em Língua Portuguesa e Filologia pela USP.


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How to Cite

Takakura, S. M. (2017). Scientific-poetical bivocalism in a selection of poems, by Arnaldo Antunes. Estudos Linguísticos (São Paulo. 1978), 46(1), 187–199.



Lexicologia e Lexicografia