GEL: visual identity


  • Geraldo Cintra Universidade de São Paulo (USP), São Paulo, São Paulo, Brasil


Historiography of Linguistics in Brazil, GEL, historiography, linguistic societies, semiotics, visual identity


We are surrounded by graphic elements which represent varied institutions, brands and products, but we are usually not aware of the resources involved in the constitution of that identity. Such resources, however, enable fast and efficient transmission of a message which would require more time and attention if expressed in words. In this text, we consider briefly the elements employed in establishing a visual identity and we analyze the visual identity of the group GEL, in its initial representation in the first issue of Estudos Linguísticos(1978) and in the following volumes, until the establishment of its most recent version (2008). We also take into account the Revista do GELas well as the major additional publications of the group, among them the book commemorating its 40th anniversary (BRUNELLI et al., 2009).


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How to Cite

Cintra, G. (2016). GEL: visual identity. Estudos Linguísticos (São Paulo. 1978), 44(1), 126–134. Retrieved from



Historiografia Linguística