The Constitution of Some Domains of Prosodic Hierarchy in the Latin Oratory Period


  • Carlos Renato Rosário de Jesus Universidade do Estado do Amazonas



prose rhythm, oratory period, prosodic phonology.


This article aims at presenting part of a PhD research, which has dealt with the rhythmic organization in the Latin oratory period, specially focusing on the Ciceronian model. At this moment, it is intended to contribute to phonological researches, by highlighting some issues related to prosodic domains in the Latin phrase structure, in order to prove their presence and relevance for the natural rhythm of Latin language. In other words, it is intended, from the theoretical principles of Prosodic Phonology, to present further evidence of the presence of prosodic domains within the Latin phrase, by describing those already observed by other scholars and by showing our point of view concerning other domains, specifically the intonation phrase.


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Author Biography

Carlos Renato Rosário de Jesus, Universidade do Estado do Amazonas

Professor de Latim e Literatura Latina no curso de Letras da Universidade do Estado do Amazonas.


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How to Cite

Jesus, C. R. R. de. (2016). The Constitution of Some Domains of Prosodic Hierarchy in the Latin Oratory Period. Estudos Linguísticos (São Paulo. 1978), 45(1), 50–59.


