Female escorts and the discursive in-between
interviews, female escorts, discourse.Abstract
In order to reflect on the tension and conflict that constitute language, we use, as a starting point, interviews with female escorts performed in 2012 in a nightclub in the city of Cascavel, with the approval and consent from the Ethics Committee. Starting from the corpus, the discourse of female escorts shows itself to be entangled in contradictions, stemming from the crossing of different discursive formations and from the clash of discursive positions held, that of the mother and the prostitute. The contradictions put them in a sort of in-between, allowing the subject to constitute and be part of both positions, without crumbling the discourse. Thus, in this paper, the concept of discursive formation is resumed in the attempt to move its theoretical path, thinking about the movement of approach with the concept of in-between, by Silviano Santiago, but in the discursive field.
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