Separating the chaff ... from the moderate “petismo” of the wheat … from the radical team: the noun in discursive dimension


  • Patricia Ferreira Neves Ribeiro Universidade Federal Fluminense (UFF), Niterói, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil


noun, recreation of popular sayings, argument


In the framework of a discursive-enunciative approach, this paper aims to examine the noun according to its argumentative role. By developing the survey, we selected, under the media domain, texts affiliated to the genre article signed and published, in the last decade, by Jornal do Brasil. In methodological terms, we examine under the perspective of “expanded” and “restricted” Enunciation Linguistics (KERBRAT-ORECCHIONI, 1980), the use of the noun in a common linguistic procedure of media discourse: the re-enunciation of popular sayings. In order to investigate the argumentative role of the noun and the image, thereafter, elaborated by the argumentative subject, we assume the theoretical framework of the Discourse Analysis proposed by Patrick Charaudeau, asemilinguisticsview.


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How to Cite

Ferreira Neves Ribeiro, P. (2015). Separating the chaff . from the moderate “petismo” of the wheat … from the radical team: the noun in discursive dimension. Estudos Linguísticos (São Paulo. 1978), 43(3), 1272–1281. Retrieved from



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