The role of grammarians: observations in Julio Ribeiro and his Cartas Sertanejas


  • Hélcius Batista Pereira Universidade de São Paulo (USP), São Paulo, São Paulo, Brasil


Júlio Ribeiro, language norm, normatization, habitus, legal domination, grammarians


 The aim of this work is to study the discourse about norms of language norms present in theessays of an important Brazilian grammarian, Júlio Ribeiro. Our starting point is to evaluate the theories about the language norm(s), the normatization process of the language, the domination and the struggle for symbolic power on the linguistic field. We intend to investigate Ribeiro’s criteria for encoding the language and his use of an overt norm in the arguments hetook part in. We plan to show that the codified norm is part of the habitus of the intellectual elite Ribeiro was a member of. The codified norm is an important tool to silence discourse against which he opposed. His proposal of a scientific method-oriented grammar based on the historical-comparative study was used to leverage the normative perspective, favoring Ribeiro in the struggles for symbolic power during the time he lived.


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How to Cite

Batista Pereira, H. (2015). The role of grammarians: observations in Julio Ribeiro and his Cartas Sertanejas. Estudos Linguísticos (São Paulo. 1978), 43(01), 161–171. Retrieved from



Historiografia Linguística