Genre chains in digital media: a theoretical approach about their composition and relevance
This article discusses a theoretical perspective on the conception of genre chains and the relevance of studying this phenomenon in digital texts, through an illustrative analysis. For this, we followed a theoretical path on the definition of genres in chain from the perspective of Fairclough’s Critical Discourse Analysis (2001, 2003, 2010 [1995]), also promoting a dialogue with the contributions of the Bakhtin Circle (2011 [1979]) about discourse genres. Then, we present a reflection on the characteristics of the internet in order to argue about the pertinence of studying digital genres arranged on chain. Finally, we presented an analysis of Jair Bolsonaro’s presidential live, broadcast in May 2020, along with some examples of responses contrary to the presidential speech. As a result, we demonstrate possibilities of analysis that open up from the conception of the discursive study through genre chain.
Keywords: discourse analysis; genre chains; digital discourse.
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