Desmatamento na Amazônia e queimadas no Pantanal: certezas construídas pelo presidente da República na Assembleia Geral da ONU

Deforestation in the Amazon and fires in the Pantanal: certainties built by the President of the Republic at the UN General Assembly




In this paper, we aim to analyze the functioning of certainty as an effect of meaning in two speeches by the President of the Republic, Jair Bolsonaro, at the UN General Assembly. From a theoretical-methodological framework built on the dialogue between the Semantics of Enunciation and french Discourse Analysis, we consider that certainty is built in the relationship between saying and not saying; that the politics work in the mechanisms of affirmation of certainty, meaning in affirmations of belonging (or non-belonging) and in interdiscursive affiliations. The object of analysis will be the enunciative events that the statements about environmental policy, the Amazon and the Pantanal are the materialization. Mobilizing the notions of enunciative scene, rewriting, articulation, determination and designation, we aim to understand: the arguments mobilized by the President of the Republic in relation to environmental policy, deforestation in the Amazon and fires in the Pantanal; how the (re)production of ideological polarization is characterized; which social, political and/or economic discourse Bolsonaro’s sayings are affiliated with.
Keywords: certainty; enunciation; discourse.


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How to Cite

Rocha, H. M. U. . (2022). Desmatamento na Amazônia e queimadas no Pantanal: certezas construídas pelo presidente da República na Assembleia Geral da ONU: Deforestation in the Amazon and fires in the Pantanal: certainties built by the President of the Republic at the UN General Assembly. Estudos Linguísticos (São Paulo. 1978), 51(1), 341–359.


