Discurso e(m) re(x)istência no/pelo digital: memórias de um acontecimento e a arte em rede

Discourse and resistance in/through the digital: memories of an event and network art





This article aims to present a gesture of interpretation about the resistance effect created in some virtual memorials that erupted during the Covid-19 pandemic in Brazil. More specifically, we observe the establishment of new memories about dying and mourning resignified by art in Instagram social media profiles, such as: Museu do Isolamento and Inumeráveis (in Portuguese). It is about deconstructing the naturalization imposed by statistics and singularize the characteristics of the victims of the disease, that is, it is necessary to emphasize their subjectivities, not as official numbers, and graphs but as Brazilian loves and loved ones who have lost their life against Covid-19. For our reflections, we start from the theoretical-methodological assumptions of the french Discourse Analysis, especially the notions of memory and event by Michel Pêcheux (2008, 2010).
Keywords: art; event; discourse; resistance; pandemic.


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How to Cite

Ruiz, M. A. A. (2022). Discurso e(m) re(x)istência no/pelo digital: memórias de um acontecimento e a arte em rede: Discourse and resistance in/through the digital: memories of an event and network art. Estudos Linguísticos (São Paulo. 1978), 51(1), 360–378. https://doi.org/10.21165/el.v51i1.3318


