Humor coletivo: tiras monotemáticas em tempos de pandemia
Collective humor: monothematic strips in pandemic times
It is common that comic strips in print and digital newspapers to address different themes. Each author creates his own story, without the commitment to know in advance what theme will be created in the other series. But there are exceptions. There were specific situations in which all the designers shared the same subject, planned in advance between them. Two such cases occurred in Folha de S.Paulo during the coronavirus pandemic. One of them will be analyzed in this article: a collective action on the need to use masks to protect against the Covid-19 virus. The initiative was published in April 2020, one month after the start of the pandemic in Brazil, and joined the seven series published by the newspaper. The objective is to show the singularities of cases like this in the humor production, which is strongly anchored in thematic sharing. The theoretical contribution will be based on textual studies that analyzed humorous strategies in strips.
Keywords: comics; comic strips; humor; pandemic.
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